December 19, 2017

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My Left Foot

Here she comes!

Best guard dog…

and sweet heart.

Look at that little club, my left foot. Though the pain now is really quite something, I am well acquainted with the benefits of torturing my body for the greater good. Over the past couple of years, I’ve experienced occasional to frequent discomfort from a bunion in my foot – a fiery burning in my toes to a stabbing, throbbing nuisance, most often when promenading our precious pooch.

After trying, to no avail, some unfortunately bulky and pricey orthotics to ease my woes, the only other option was surgery. And so it came to be – last week my terrific specialist opened my foot. Bone was sawed and shaved and made better with the aid of three small screws. I am bionic! I will NOT set off metal detectors (so I am told)!

As you can imagine, I have spent much more time than I would ever care to (yet AGAIN) on my behind. Leg up, pooch and most wonderful spouse, parents, uncle, and friends visiting, and soooo much Netflix watching to keep me from losing my marbles. Reviews forthcoming!

I am looking forward to walking without crutches, a kooky gimp, or the great-awful ache that occurs every time my foot spends too terribly much time below my thumping heart. In the meantime, in addition to the wonderful assortment of viewing of every stripe available on demand, I am delighted to report that much has come along to keep me safely active since my dear Great Aunt Mary’s days of Sit and Be Fit (which I have also done!). There are so many options for anyone recovering from surgery or with permanent limited mobility. Huzzah for inclusivity! My favorite is Jessica Smith – sweet and challenging, and that little Peanut is the perfect icing on top! Thank you so very much.