Guest Blogger Gregory: “Colleen, My favorite topic”

A smile like that after a 6 hour surgery. Inspiring!

A smile like that after a 6 hour surgery. Inspiring!

For a rather verbose start as guest blogger here “Under a Red Roof”, until Colleen is back at the helm, I will just post some status on Colleen as she is easily my favorite topic.   I love her very much and am certainly inspired by her love of life.  As you can read from previous posts, Tuesday was a day of surgery for my wife Colleen.

The surgery started out as a laparoscopic procedure that would last about 3 hours or less.  As the Dr. was working it became apparent that there was going to be more to do and Colleen had to be opened up. I believe it became a laparotomic procedure with a single horizontal incision, but I can only play doctor so please forgive the terminology. It ended up being quite a long day with a surgery from about 10:00 am to 4:30 pm and then recovery until about 6:00 pm or so. Her doctor said that the reason a transfusion wasn’t necessary in surgery was, in large part, due to the good care Colleen has taken of her blood (which isn’t easy with the heavy monthly blood loss).

I am grateful that my best friend in the world was sleeping through this ordeal! I am also very grateful that the most excellent doctors took their time and patience to really do things correctly and safely.

Today, the day after the surgery, was a good day.   Colleen is in a good deal of pain but her vitals are good and her body is healthy.  Fluids are passing normally, lungs are clear, and there isn’t any blood loss.  Naturally I wish she was feeling better, but I am happy her body is working well!

Legacy Emanuel hospital in Portland Oregon has been absolutely wonderful.  The doctors are first class and the nurses are very capable and helpful.

I would like to also apologize if you feel slighted for not having been notified more personally.  Please feel free to give me a call or send an email as I’m trying to connect Colleen with the outside world as much as possible.  I think Colleen is remembering more than I am right now and I don’t even have any Dilaudid in me!  (The morphine didn’t do much for her.)

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Dilaudid or Drugstore Cowboy here’s a lighter view of the drug… Much lighter:

What is Dilaudid? (Warning: Rated R perhaps, take with grain of salt)

(PG-13 (PG-13 perhaps)perhaps)



  1. bridget’s avatar

    Hope you are feeling better every day!!!

  2. Mom’s avatar

    A mother always knows her child. What a great smile.! One of relief, I am sure.
    Good work, Greg. Colleen can be proud of you and your blogging ability. Glad you are there by her side and for all the love and security you give to her. We feel better knowing she is in such good hands. She is a lucky girl and we love you, too.
    Rest well, Colleen and continue to get strong. You will be home soon.

    All Our Love.

    Mom & Daddy

  3. Kelli’s avatar

    Colleen – I had no idea you were having surgery. Please know you are in my prayers!

  4. Amber’s avatar

    You are a most excellent guest-blogger, and doing a great job keeping people informed. We all thank you for that! I’m so glad Colleen is recovering so well, despite the increased surgery time and difficulty. Best wishes to the two of you–so glad you’ve got each other to lean on!

    And on another note, I would never recognize her in a million years from that picture… I honestly thought it was someone else.

  5. Bruce’s avatar

    All my best to Colleen and yourself, Greg! I understand what you are going through – we had a great deal of hospital time when my wife nearly lost her life early last year.

    Take care, as I know you will,


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