This is It…

Well friends, I have what is surely the last of the peony photos this year and a broken record alert!  Aren’t they pretty?  Aren’t they pretty?  Well they are, and these two smell quite lovely, too.  Yes, yes they do.  We also managed to get two dry days in a row to enjoy them, but the clouds are rolling in, and I’m pretty sure that means Mr. Rain will be up to his old tricks in no time, which is okay.  The little break of sun was enough to tide me over until next time.

I have no clever segue way to what comes next.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is that I want and how to get it.  I came to a conclusion that probably should have been obvious, but wasn’t, but now that I’ve made it, I feel as though I’ve been hit over the head with a hammer in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.  Yet, instead of stars, I am seeing what I do with greater clarity than ever before.

I have never called myself a writer.  I have always said, “I’ve written a book,” or “I’ write a blog.”  In some ways, I didn’t want to pigeon-hole myself in the “I am not what I do” way because I feel I am so much more than a single word.  I also didn’t think I deserved the title of Writer without being published.  Yet, in this way, I believe I have been selling myself short, for who will believe I am a writer, especially one who is worthy of publication, if I don’t?  It also diminished my work, made it less important.  Well, dang it, it IS important, even if only to me.

So, a change.  A “this is it” moment:  I, Colleen Sohn, am a writer.  Gosh, I got weepy typing that last sentence.  I am a writer.  I wrote a novel that I hope to get published one day.  I write a blog.  I write poems.  I dream up worlds.  Words dance in my mind and through my finger tips.  They are alive, just like me and you.

That felt good.  Thanks for reading.  I love sharing my writing with you!


  1. Lori’s avatar

    Say it loud, say it proud! I’ll come to your book signing!!

  2. katherine Jensen’s avatar

    If you can say it out loud, the universe can hear you and it is so! Congratulations on accepting your gift that is so much more than six little letters can convey. I expect many shifts, openings and opportunities to reveal themselves in ways you never expected.

  3. Mom’s avatar

    I just knew that all that time spent in your bedroom, curled up on the bed, or lying on the floor, with a book you had brought from the library, would lead to wonderful things! Not only to take you to those far off lands of enchantment that fed your dreams and thrilled your heart, or placed you, hand in hand with your current character of interest, but to also lead you to this path you have chosen to be a writer…. a WONDERFUL writer! In my book, and not just because I am the Mom, you are a writer I would return to again and again, and do! Your ability to express yourself, your command of the language and the mastery of putting idea to paper, connecting thought to thought, keeps me, and , I am sure, those who read your blog, coming back for more. Keep up the good work, pat yourself on the back, and know you are among the best of them. You are amazing! Love you much.

  4. Martha’s avatar

    Colleen is a Writer … with a capital W!

    And I might add a voracious reader; you are so aware of other writers’ stories and styles, not to mention movie plots. Your Goodreads updates frequency always surprises me since I spend ages getting through one book.

    It’s such a challenging — and amazing — time for writers and publishing with electronic media replacing and supplementing print media of all kinds. It’s sad to see the printing industry diminish as we’ve known it for so long, even Denver’s AB Hirshfield Press is gone. But it’s also amazing to see where it will go from here. sent me a couple of those on-demand books that are quite well done for paperbacks.

    Thanks for your writing and photography work here that keeps us all connected.


  5. amber’s avatar

    …a darned good writer at that.

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