Up Close

Hello dear reader! I have the strongest urge to utter good morning, despite it being well into the afternoon, which pretty much sums up my life at the moment. How did it get to be so late in the day? I’ve got to skeedaddle! Off to appointments and errands and dinner and lunch. And then there is the heaviness, which may or may not be the Dakini Bliss,  curled up like a cat in my abdomen. Peaceful, but there. Should it be?

Without any answers, off I walked to maybe meet a friend, maybe not. I am not playing coy here, we just got our wires crossed, but the morning could not have been better, everything soft, the air so heady with ripe earth and blossoms and pine that it didn’t matter what happened. I walked at a near skip to our meeting place, cheerfully bellowing good morning at one and all before arriving at my destination. My friend was there, but not for me, and we laughed and made our next plan. It’s gonna be good!

On the way home, I was transfixed by all things small and spent much of my time squatting and admiring, also learning that caterpillars and snails move at a faster clip than I previously realized. The things we learn when we pay attention.