
A Friday look at Sunday’s long walk downtown, a most excellent 8.5 miles round trip, which actually tuckered out Ms. Juni B. It is possible! We stumbled upon the jackpot of coins shortly after leaving home, with me gasping at our good luck. I never did count it, but would wager a guess of just over a dollar.

It also got me thinking about this town and how we really hit the jackpot moving to Colorado Springs. We can walk downtown and to Palmer Park, ride our bikes everywhere, and get to see Pike’s Peak, America’s Mountain, almost every day. The city is diverse in people and in thought and has some pretty snazzy architecture, too. On one city block there’s cool modern and mid century buildings a hop, skip, and a jump from century old mansions with gorgeous cast iron fences and lovely light fixtures. As well as sun, sun, and more sun, snow, and some of the cleanest air in the country. The people are friendly, though kinda loony once they get behind the wheel, truth be told – I wouldn’t mind seeing a Portland Standoff from time to time. Indeed. There’s wonderful coffee (the Wild Goose being our favorite, maybe partly cuz the bathrooms have Star Trek posters!) and food from everywhere – our latest favorite a deeelicious bhan mi joint. Finally, just enough Colleen style quirk to make me smile – that cat’s eye marble? It’s embedded and catching the light of the morning sun in a neighborhood fence. Sweet.
