November 1, 2017

You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 1, 2017.

Nature is full of surprises.

Kind people are, too.

Waking up: Open eyes a few minutes before the alarm. Cuddle with hubster. Smell his beard and kiss. Hop out of bed. Go pee and wash up with homemade soap. Let Juniper out of her crate, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle-walk to the back door, where she rockets out to do her business. Prepare her breakfast of half a can of wet food and two scoops of dry. Let her back in the house to gobble, gobble, gobble. Fill puzzle Kong with kibble for her post morning walk treat. Hop back into bed for family cuddles and giggles and ever so many licks from this sweet face.

The evergreen truth.

The leaves were falling like snow…

Joyful Juniper and crazy-ass hair! Ha…