September 2, 2014

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September 2nd and Facebook is populated with pictures of children, big and small, making their return to school. The bittersweet season, positively tired of sweating and stinking, showers that don’t “take”, and the crisp brown of spent life, eager for rain and green, yet sad to need a cardigan and closed-toe shoes.

We’ve been busy. I don’t usually say this because we make a concerted effort not to be. We are not the fill ‘er up and go, go, go, brand of people. We prefer turtles over hares, stopping to smell the flowers, sky gazing and such-like.

Not that we haven’t had fun in the midst of our business, au contraire mon frere! We had a smashing lunch at Evoe, and not a moment too soon. They closed a few days later (sad face), and I can only hope I can replicate mi amor, the Gallego sandwich, just right at home.

I don’t know exactly what the poster is about, but I like the audacious colors and the ballsy-ness of people willing to paper the world with their work.

My big smile has to do with the fact that, over the course of a single day:

I got to meet an adorable puppy – the floppiness, the soft fur, the cute face, the cuddles!

See my dear friend Susan (that’s her behind me, holla!) after a long absence.

Fit four people in the Mini! It was a first for us. A little fanfare, if you would…