It’s a beautifully sunny day in the neighborhood, and, as you can see, the kitties are soaking it up. I was, too. I even took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my pants, and pretended it was warmer than the thermometer would indicate, toes tickling the warm pavement. I think bliss would be the right word to describe it. Did I mention that I ate a tangerine in the process? Drippy and delicious.
Aside from that, I don’t have much to tell you. The final season of Lost starts tonight. I admit that I have been sucked into that vortex and am quite looking forward to a resolution. We saw An Education last night. I loved it and will be singing its praises in the Friday Spotlight. I’m bouncing between two very interesting books, too. Vanessa & Virginia and A Homemade Life. My January illness brought my reading to a standstill, so I am glad to be back in it, and with such good reads, I can’t complain, not one iota. On top of all that goodness, I’ve got Lily Allen’s “The Fear” playing on a loop in my mind. Life IS fucking fantastic.
Sorry for the swear word, Grandma. Pretend you didn’t see it.