Gardening + Nature

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Grandma Tess Rose – rosa spinosissima
iris smelling like grapes
rock rose
more iris!
a volunteer penstemon
our pink lilac, which always blooms later than the others
wild daisy or aster?
happy faced pansy
still not sure…
pavement rose
The front garden, June 7, 2021 8:50 a.m.
The front garden, June 2018

Hello, hello!

I spent the morning in the garden, weeding and trimming, and spreading the second-to-last bit of delivered mulch. It rained, hale and hearty, yesterday, filling the air with the sweetness of earth and flowers and pine, and making today’s garden extra lush and gorgeous.

How about that last photo? How tiny everything was. The garden has grown by leaps and bounds!!


I’d like to dedicate this post to Daniel, our letter carrier, who died rather unexpectedly. Always kindly and helpful, and quick to smile. He will be missed.


monster cookie

Sunday’s homemade ice cream, walnut and chocolate. I made the walnut with the green walnut liqueur, like the delicious variety I made ages and ages ago, but since there are no green walnuts to glean in my neighborhood, I resorted to purchasing a bottle. I suppose it ought to go without saying, but the ice creams were both fantastic!


Juniper does her sweet beggar best to convince the hubster to share his smoked BBQ chicken, corn, and ranch dressing topped salad.

Another stellar batch of green chile and a new recipe for homemade tortillas from Ford Fry. So. VERY. good.

Farmer Greg tends the carrot and onion patch. No sprouts, yet, but we do have two teeny tiny lettuces leaves going. Baby steps!

plum blossoms


The volunteer hollyhock is over SIX feet tall!

The spent hollyhock flowers make faces at us. Boo!

Native bee house, with at least 30 tubes filled with eggs for next year. Woot!

Also, I don’t recall if I’ve ever shown the shed before. It came with the house, and had a rather ugly peachy-beige paint. We used all of the salvageable boards from the original and very much falling down fence to spruce it up. I love it!

morning shade


happy dog…

Volunteer penstemon!


 yellow harmony dianthus

first crocosmia blossoms


Before my Grandpa died, he insisted that we take all of the potentilla bordering his back porch. Rather sadly, this is the only one that survived the move and the severe storms of the past couple of years. The whole of last year, it had ONE green twig. Even though some critter has munched on it, you can imagine my delight that it’s got more green branches than I can count and is blooming! Way to go, Grandpa!


red hot poker

With the red birds in a tree, crocosmia, and the poker ramping up, our garden is zooming with hummingbirds!

My favorite person had a birthday. I made his favorite chocolate cake, of course!

Our cousin, fellow D & D party member, and all around wonderful person, Cori (and her family) helped us celebrate.


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pussy toes

coral charm peony

this yarrow starts yellow then gets rusty



going bananas peony – it’s really called that!

Every time I walk the garden looking for new blooms, I think of my Grandma Tess and how she’d ask me to post pictures of our Portland garden blooms. I feel as though we wander the garden together, these days, with her voice telling me what she likes and helping me find those rogue weeds trying to disguise themselves as other foliage. Here’s to you, Grandma!





The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.

Joseph Campbell

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