August 21, 2008

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Way back in January, I participated in Superhero Journal’s Mondo Beyondo, a way to release 2007 and set some positive intentions for 2008.

I had completely forgotten about (or so I thought) until I saw Andrea’s post about it on August 18th.  I jotted down a little note to revisit my intentions.  When I finally got around to checking the file on my lap-top, I was both pleased and surprised, as this is what I wrote:

This is the year of the novel, positivity, radiant health, and well being!!

Without really thinking about it, I have done just that.  I finished my novel back in March, done several revisions, and have submitted it to two publishers.  One rejected me, the other, who knows?  It is too soon to tell.

Positivity – I am seeking it out in myself and others more and more often.  When a negative thought arises, I make a mental note and turn it around.  I also find myself seeing positive aspects in formerly negative situations.  It feels wonderful to have a new perspective.

Radiant health and well being – Though I was pretty fit in January, I have had several nagging health issues for the past eight years.  I took charge by commencing an anti-inflammation diet/cleanse three weeks ago.  I’ve got five more to go, and then plan on making only a few modifications.  This is a change for life.  It is challenging at times, but I know the benefits will outweigh any discomfort that I feel now.  Besides, this is about really being healthy and treating my body like a temple.  Why should eating food that makes me sick be more comfortable than true love and nourishment? 

To add on to that, I have also declared to exercise for at least forty minutes, six days a week.  This part has been so much fun (there’s the positivity again).  I had an injury that kept me from my usual yoga and rowing practices for a while, so I had to find some replacements.  I chose a Nia class at my local community center twice a week – oh my goodness, awesome – and, thanks to a tip from my friend Sarah, the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.  Both have me moving in ways I don’t normally and seeing my body in a new light.  What’s more, I now have more variety in my exercise routine – Nia, yoga, rowing, Jillian, walking, biking, all GOOD!

I think of myself like the Clerodendrum above.  There are a few flowers open and smelling wonderfully fragrant.  The rest are patiently receiving nourishment from the sun and rain, waiting for the right moment before blossoming into their full glory.